In Memoriam: David Hamilton (1933 – 2016)


Ha fallecido David Hamilton, en extrañas circunstancias, y rodeado de polémica. Al margen de todo esto (no seré yo quien le juzgue), y aunque se pueden deducir muchas cosas de sus fotografías, es innegable que llegó a acuñar un estilo propio. Los que empezábamos a interesarnos por la fotografía hace algunas décadas, éramos capaces de distinguir sus imágenes, con el típico estilo “muy Hamilton”.


David Hamilton has passed away, in strange circumstances, and surrounded by controversy. Apart from all this (I will not the one who judge him), and although many things can be deduced from his photographs, it is undeniable that he even coined a style of his own. Those of us who started interested in photography a few decades ago, were able to distinguish their images, with the typical “very Hamilton” style.



