Ernesto Che Guevara (by René Burri, 1963)

Una de las fotografías más conocidas de René Burri es la del Che Guevara en el Ministerio de la Industria cubana, en 1963, en la que el jefe rebelde aparece fumando un puro.

Esa imagen es muchas veces atribuida a Alberto Korda, quien en realidad es el autor de la popular imagen del revolucionario con boina, pelo al aire y mirada en el firmamento, y al respecto Burri también tiene una anécdota.

Una vez, cenando con Korda, éste le regaló su fotografía del Che con la dedicatoria “de tu amigo Korda, autor de la que reconocerás es la fotografía más famosa del Che”, y Burri le correspondió regalándole su retrato con la dedicatoria “de tu amigo Burri, autor de la que reconocerás es la mejor fotografía del Che”.


One of the most famous photographs by René Burri is the one with Che Guevara in the Cuban Industry Ministry in 1963, in which the rebel leader appears smoking a cigar.

That image is often attributed to Alberto Korda, who actually is the author of the popular image of revolutionary with beret, hair to air, and look at the sky, and concerning this Burri also has a story.

Once, having dinner with Korda, he gave him his photo of Che with the inscription “from your friend Korda, author of which you will recognize is the most famous photograph of Che” and Burri was assigned by giving him his portrait with the inscription “from your friend Burri, author of which you will recognize as the best photograph of Che.”